With over 30 years of lived experience, Matiu presents his work from a person-centred bi-cultural perspective. Embracing all cultures, genders and spiritual or non-spiritual beliefs. He specialises in the areas of trauma and grief counselling and counselling people who have been through all forms of abuse, predominantly with Māori but not exclusively. Matiu has a soft and gentle manner who works in a skilled & unique way.


You Can Be Free
Find that Peace You Always Searched for
Many of life's challenges leave us with traumas, grief, wounds etc that need healing. Being free of the influences and the effects they have on our life allows us to live the life we are called to live, to be free to love life and love others.

Nā whai anō Why counselling
Counselling is a skill. Listening is a skill. Being able to unload those feelings with someone trained to hear the heart, who genuinely cares about your situation. How can you not give it a chance?
E aha What we offer
Cultural Sensitivity
Lived experience
Clinical skills
When do I
need counselling
Don't wait until its a last resort or when you're at your lowest. Recognise the signs. Those feelings telling you to reach out. Don't ignore them. It won't be easy, but nothing good in life is ever easy, but always worth it.
Pēhea How do I reach out
This is the first and for some, the most important step in their life. A step only you can choose to make. But it's a step that could change your life.
Mahi What we work with
Addiction and Abuse
Anger and Anxiety
Grief and Loss
Uiuinga First Consultation
Text message
Phone call
Face to Face
If local, we can come to You

BA Counselling
Dip. (Merit) Leadership & Ministry
Cert. Social Work
Cert. Mauri Ora
ACC Sensitive Claims Provider
NZAC Provisional Member
WINZ Supplier
EAP Provider

24/7 Support
First Consultation
- text message
- phone call
- email
- online
- face to face
- if local, we can come to you
We evaluate your concerns, determine the suitability of our services & establish a client-counsellor relationship
Call us on : 027 425 0391
Or Book an appointment

Models Used

Māori Models of Health

The 3 P's

Te Wheke

Person-Centred Counselling

Whare tapa whā

To name a few

Pōwhiri Process


Allow Yourself to Be Free
for Trauma, Grief, Abuse, Anxiety, Fear, Mental Health and well being, Suicide, Anger Management, gangs, MC Clubs and many other areas

Aroha & Rangimarie- Love& Peace